Humanity Ascending
Our Story
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"Our Story"
Imagine a movie that carries a global message as urgent as Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth and a spiritual message as powerful as The Secret.
See why people like Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Rev. Michael Beckwith call Barbara Marx Hubbard's Humanity Ascending a must-see movie!
OUR STORY, is the first movie in the Humanity Ascending Documentary Series, which spans the history of the evolutionary journey of our species from the big bang to current times, where we find ourselves precariously standing at the edge of conscious evolution or self-destruction. Our storyteller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, provides the unique perspective of viewing our history through what she terms as “evolutionary eyes” as the unfoldment of a fourteen billion year journey of transformation now pressing us forward to give birth within ourselves to a new, never before seen, universal humanity. This compelling vision of hope sees us at an evolutionary edge where the old world is dying and the new world is being born. (40 minutes)
‘In OUR STORY, the author and narrator, Barbara Marx Hubbard, provides the unique perspective of viewing humanity’s history through her "evolutionary eyes." She sees our evolution as a fourteen billion year journey of transformation that is now pressing us forward to give birth to a new, never before seen, universal humanity. This compelling vision of hope sees us at an evolutionary edge where the old world is dying and the new world is being born.
“This movie takes you beyond now, beyond 2012 and into a future filled with infinite possibilities. Wrapped in awe-inspiring imagery and soul-lifting music, it debunks the doomsday prophecies of the so-called ‘end of history’, inviting us to consider instead the conclusions of some of the finest minds of our time who present cutting-edge perspectives on humankind’s breathtaking potential to create the future of our dreams.”